Monday, 23 May 2011

A Footballer, Imogen Thomas and a Superinjunctional Farce

Peter Black makes a valid point in his blog this morning on the on-going farce that is the current superinjunction debate.

I haven't waded into the debate until now but it is a very sorry state of affairs.

I've blogged of my great admiration for this footballer before in this blog but he and his lawyers have made a right pigs-ear of this situation.

Yesterday's Sunday Herald on the right (with thanks to Andrew Reeves for the photo), clearly shows who we're talking about and of course, it is the worst kept secret at present as thousands of Twitter users pour ridicule over him for his attempt to gag this modern form of communication.

In this modern age as Peter mentions, is there any real future for this old style of judicial censorship? It really is a bizzare position in which we find ourselves when foreign press and even those in Scotland are able to say what the rest of us know and indeed are also saying on the web but the press in England and Wales are still gagged from doing so.

But for me, the greatest shame is for the reputation of one of Britain's greatest ever football players. Once this is resolved and finally made 'public' in the old-fashioned conventional sense, I'll return one final time to explain why I'm so disappointed at his indiscretions considering what I've written about him on this blog in the past.

Please feel free to type his name into my blog's search engine if you want to read that article. I don't really need to tell you his name here do I...


  1. Ryan "Imogen" Giggs = Legend!

  2. I was one of those on Twitter, putting my name to postings, giving Ryan Gigg's name.

    I was prepared to go to court and call as my main witness for the defence... Ryan Giggs.

    I have no interest in who Ryan Giggs, David Cameron or Mark Cole is (or isn't) shagging. I actually supported Max Mosley in that the press do not have a right to know about his spanking parties, or whatever it was he got up to, in private. It was the press that wanted to pass the gossip on as tittle tattle, to sell papers.

    What stinks is that Ryan Giggs was shagging someone for 7 months behind his wife's back and when it looked like it was to become public, he used his money to buy a super injunction to shut everyone up.

    If the law was equally available to Barry the Brickie or Carl the Clerk and didnt rely on wealth, there's no problem, but these super injunctions are only available at a huge price for the rich to afford.

    So as Mark says, I totally agree, Ryan was a model for other footballers to follow and an example for youngsters.

    Instead, as a result of the Streisand Effect, he will be remembered as a low life, using his money to stop others knowing of his grubby private life.

    I hope Ryan, that you are pleased at how you have wasted all your money and your reputation. Had you allowed it to become public, we'd have had some fun for a few days and within a week, it will be chip paper.

    Instead, Ryan Giggs has led a load of followers like me, to break the law over the unfairness of the law.
